Behavioural Therapy Training

About our courses


  • Our courses are designed for parents, tutors, or learning support assistants who want to learn how to apply behavioural therapy to support children and adults with ASD

  • We currently offer 8 modules in which we cover how to build a positive relationship with a child with ASD, teach communication, understand and manage challenging behaviour, design motivating play-based sessions, teach skills rapidly using table-based teaching methods, teach life skills to promote independence, understand behavioural assessments and track this progress through data collection and representation.

  • Our courses are taught over Zoom, with meetings taking place either in the morning between 9am and 11am or in the evening between 6pm and 8pm depending on your availability (please send in an enquiry to discuss your scheduling needs).

  • Each course includes assessed assignments to help consolidate the lesson's you are taught and to be able to put into practice the theory with your student's or children.

  • Our individual courses cost £45 each. Please contact us if you wish to take all 8 modules.


Building a relationship: Pairing

Communication: Manding

Managing challenging behaviour

Play-based learning: NET

Table-based learning: DTT

Teaching self-help skills: SRC

Assessment in ABA